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Smartt . team


A Team meeting and using AI

Good Reasons to Get a Team Account

Advanced models & analysis



Optimise workflows, craft emails, analyze data, do significant strategic work, and anything else your team needs with openai's most powerful models. Create custom GPTs for unique use-cases, and leverage your proprietary data to your advantage.

Customized for your team



Collaborate by creating and sharing GPTs—custom versions of ChatGPT for specific use cases, departments, or proprietary datasets. Boost productivity and unleash creativity in your team.

Secured for your workplace



Get a dedicated workspace for your team with admin controls, team management, and stringent security. Openai never trains on your data or conversations. Grow and preserve your unique knowledge. Leverage your organisations unique competencies for competitive advantage.

Access to Smartt Custom GPTs



Aside from your own custom AI's, get access to pro-level GPTs developed by Smartt. Bootstrap your team's capability. Talk to us, we can build your custom GPTs that interact with your team and your organisation's proprietary data.

Our Purpose


Future Proofing You and Your Organisation


We understand that AI is the most transforming technology to ever arrive. The advancement of AI is unprecedented, in human history. Using AI, for high-value creation, can equip you to be fully enabled for a fast changing world.


Human and AI Synergy


We promote the adoption of AI for the empowerment of individuals and organisations. The collaboration between human intelligence and artificial intelligence has the power to uplift and transform lives.

A Promising Future


AI is an Ally. Together you can go to places nobody has ever seen, or been before. The promise of being in an unbounded future is worth pursuing. Catch this space-ship, you will be delighted.

Lyrical Things Team


Creative Founder - With a keen eye for design and a passion for creativity. A seasoned Industrial Designer, with deep exposure to product design in many industries. Core skills are in strategic management, systems thinking, scenario planning, and design methodology. His focus is on developing accessible, useful custom GPTs for creative expression use-cases. 


Core AI researcher, and semantic expert, fluent in three languages, one of which is Japanese. An engineer by training, international experience in top-level management coaching in negotiation and decision-making.  Focuses on consulting to organisations on how to adopt and on-board AI. Approaches the task both as a bottom up with employees and top down at management level.



Business graduate, qualified full stack developer, real-life implementation of code and hardware interfaces. Expert in body building and nutrition, passionate about self empowerment through lifelong learning. Advocates 'owning your day', motivated by entreprenurial thinking. Recipes for success include commitment to regular practice and tireless dedication to a goal


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